The logo is the face of a brand. When new companies are created, those in charge are primarily concerned with things like product manufacturing, distribution networks, recruiting employees or finding office space. The company logo tends to slip down the list of priorities. Often it is then quickly plucked out of the ground, not even designed by an experienced graphic designer, but perhaps by an employee who tinkers something together with PowerPoint. And then suddenly it's everywhere: on products, advertisements, in letterheads, on packaging or websites. Over time, you realise that the logo needs to be optimised and adapted. Redesigning a logo can have far-reaching effects, both internally and externally. However, before you start revising the design, you should ask yourself whether it is really necessary, because a redesign can also backfire and negatively influence brand perception.
Are you expanding with your company or is something changing? When expanding product ranges, enlarging the team or moving to a new headquarters, it can achieve a positive impulse to adapt the logo to the new situation.
Do you want to address a new target group? If you want to reach new markets or target group segments that you have not yet focused on, then it might make sense to adapt your logo accordingly.
Is your logo outdated and no longer fits the style? Especially if your logo was developed in the 60s to 80s, it might look rather homely or antiquated today. A redesign gives your brand a modern touch.
Do you have new competitors to compete against? A contemporary logo design often becomes a must when you are compared to the logos of your competitors.
Are there any changes in the mission or vision of your company? A logo often also stands for corporate values, which can change over time. A good reason to adapt the logo.
A redesign can be either radical or only discreetly implemented, depending entirely on the effect and positioning of the new logo. Often, a refresh of the look and feel is enough to make a logo more modern and contemporary.
Here are some examples that prove the multiple adaptations of well-known logos over a longer period of time. In the beginning, the changes were drastic, but over time, the logo was only minimally adapted so as not to jeopardise the decades of investment in visibility and recognition.
Especially in the case of car brands, which always represent the symbol and status of a particular era, the adaptation of the logo is seen more often. It is an evolution designed to reinforce the visual identity of a brand with a global presence. The logo should appeal to different cultures and nationalities, be pleasing to all and guarantee recognition in a jumble of brands we encounter every day.
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